In order to work effectively with the people of the area, we must first be worthy of their trust. Mayans have been betrayed or oppressed for much of their history. Many promises of a better life have been made to them before, but too few have been kept.
The second thing which must be done is to recognize their unique abilities and their limitations. What is their understanding of their needs?
It is only with these two things in place that we can begin to improve the quantity of their lives. For that reason, Community Relationships are vital to our effort.
Our interactions are frequently centered in the church. Historically rooted in the United Methodist tradition, our primary purpose is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ to serve the last, the least and the lost. We are ALL God’s Children and we have been blessed to be a blessing.
While we are a Christian endeavor, the aid we offer is open to all of God’s children, without regard to creed. To be sure that we are including all members of the community, we also gain permission for our work from the local governing body (COCODE).
While on our annual Mission Trip, we participate in team and local worship activities. We offer local spiritual endeavors including:
Bible School for approximately 200 children
Women’s Bible Study for 100 women
Sports Camp for 100 children
However, much of the indigenous population is deeply rooted in Christianity. Their beliefs are so ingrained into the fabric of their lives that they truly witness to the team.
Spiritual Growth is a two way street and the expected outcome of any mission trip. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Guatemalans we serve, as well as our team members, are empowered.